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Lamar University recognizes there is a need for student support in unexpected emergencies. The LU Strong Program was established in the Spring of 2019 during the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.  Lamar received $1.5 Million Dollars from the Rebuild Texas Fund and Qatar Harvey Fund, starting the LU Strong Program.  

Currently, the LU Strong program consist of funds provided through the Cardinal Emergency Fund and provides emergency assistance to students impacted by natural disasters and everyday unforeseen events.   

Cardinal Emergency Fund

The Cardinal Emergency Fund is administered through the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. This fund was established through the generous gifts of alumni and friends of Lamar University. It is intended to help meet the financial needs of current LU students who encounter an extreme circumstance or one-time, unusual, or unforeseen expense during their degree program. 

  • The fund may assist students dealing with a variety of financial issues that may prevent them from continuing enrollment at LU. The Cardinal Emergency Fund may not be used for optional expenses. 
  • Funds are available to undergraduate or graduate students, with priority going to students enrolled full- time (12 hours for undergraduates, 9 hours for graduate students). Students must be in both academic and disciplinary good standing as defined by university policies and procedures. 
  • U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens are asked to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to allow the University to maximize available financial assistance. Citizenship and permanent resident status are not requirements; all students are eligible to apply. 
  • Students must complete the Cardinal Emergency Fund Application and submit all requested documentation. Failure to complete these requirements will result in the grant being denied. 
  • The amount is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on the student’s need, and is capped at $2,000. Under extreme circumstances, the Committee may increase the award. 
  • Funds will be paid to the student through their student account. 

Application and Award Process

  1. The student will submit their Emergency Fund Application to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for committee review.
  2. The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid will review the student’s eligibility for federal, state and other institutional funds, prior to forwarding the application to the review committee. The Cardinal Emergency Fund grants will be coordinated with the student’s other financial aid.
  3. Decisions will be made by the Cardinal Emergency Fund Committee, made up of three representatives from Enrollment Services. A majority vote by the committee is needed for approval of all applications.
  4. The Committee’s decision will be emailed to the student by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. Cardinal Emergency Fund grants may come in the form of short-term loans or grants designed to help students remain in school.
  5. Cardinal Emergency Funds will be credited to the student’s account.
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